Foto: Charlotte Krauß

Following the final count on Sunday afternoon, the winner of the Audience Prize, kindly sponsored by the listings magazine Choices, has been announced in the award ceremony. It is Britta Wandaogo, who is based in Cologne, for her documentary Nichts für die Ewigkeit ( „Believe in Miracles“) the radical personal family history as seen by Ms Wandaogo who over the years filmed various encounters with her drug-addict brother, Dirk. Eligible for the prize was any film over sixty minutes in length and showing at the festival.

Britta Wandaogos mitreißende Dokumentation „Nichts für die Ewigkeit“ gewann am Sonntagabend den choices-Publikumspreis des diesjährigen Internationalen Frauenfilmfestivals. Ins Rennen um den Preis gingen alle aktuellen Filme des Festivals mit einer Länge von mehr als 60 Minuten.